Hello everyone! You can call me Ruby, and I go by she/they pronouns! I identify as a demiromantic asexual. I want to use this blog as an educational view into my world of asexuality and other aspec topics. Every asexual person is different, but I think sharing these varying perspectives can help a lot of fellow asexuals or questioning aspecs to find their place and feel heard. I definitely don’t speak for all aspecs and don’t claim to.
I was inspired to start this blog from listening to the podcast Sounds Fake, But OK featuring ace representation Sarah and Kayla. As a fellow Michigander and asexual spectrum member, this podcast gave me a look into the asexual experience of others and really got me thinking more about how I view the world in terms of my sexuality. The topics they address and the lighthearted and funny approach to them made me feel understood and heard. And I want to do the same thing for my readers!
I plan to do a similar setup as Sarah and Kayla by making an email and social media accounts to connect with readers, get your perspectives, and also get ideas for topics to write about. I hope that I can provide a voice and also receive a voice back and get a conversation going about asexuality and what it’s all about.
Thank you to all the readers and I hope you enjoy the content!