The Aspec Glossary
These terms will be used throughout this blog and I wanted to provide this page to those who may not be familiar with the terms, so they can come here and reference them whenever they want. If you see a term you want to see added, please contact me and I will add it as soon as possible.

Defined as a person whose romantic orientation is changing or fluid.

Defined as a person whose sexuality is changing or fluid.

A shortened version of Asexual, refers to an asexual person.

Ace Week
A series of events that takes place the last full week in October that celebrates those who are on the asexual spectrum.

Defined as someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates, but generally stays on the asexual spectrum.

Defined as a person who enjoys the idea of romance, but does not wish to be in a romantic relationship.

Defined as a person who enjoys the idea of sex and may feel arousal, but does not wish for a sexual relationship.

Aesthetic Attraction
Occurs when someone appreciates the appearance or beauty of another person(s), disconnected from sexual or romantic attraction

Defined as a person who lacks a gender or does not have a gender.

Agender Pride Day
A celebration of those who are Agender that takes place on May 19.

Defined as an agender person who fluctuates between gender identities.

The desire to be emotionally close to someone in a way that is neither exclusively platonic nor wholly romantic, but rather somewhere in the middle.

Defined as a person who feels little to no platonic attraction.

Aplatonic Visibility Day
A celebration of those who are Aplatonic that is celebrated on May 4.

Defined as a person who feels romantic attraction after another form of attraction is experienced first, i.e. sexual, platonic, etc.

Defined as a person who feels sexual attraction after another form of attraction is experienced first, i.e. romantic, platonic, etc.

Defined as a person who is both aromantic and asexual.

Defined as someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates, but generally stays on the asexual spectrum.

Defined as a person who experiences little to no romantic attraction.

Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
A series of events that takes place the first full week after Valentine’s Day to celebrate those who are on the aromantic spectrum.

Aromantic Visibility Day
A celebration of those who are Aromantic or on the Aro spectrum, celebrated on June 5 and August 25.

A person on the Asexual, Aromantic, or Agender spectrum, short for A-Spectrum.

Defined as a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction.

Defined as the mental feeling or desire of interest, pleasure, or liking for someone.

Defined a person who experiences sexual attraction primarily or exclusively towards oneself

The desire to be in a romantic relationship with someone.

Defined as a person who does not experience romantic attraction, but desires a romantic relationship.

Defined as a person who does not experience sexual attraction, but desires a sexual relationship.

A person whose gender identity partially identifies with a masculine identity, but is not fully binary.

A person whose gender identity partially identifies with a feminine identity, but is not fully binary.

Defined as a person who experiences romantic attraction after forming a strong emotional connection with someone.

Defined as a person who experiences sexual attraction after forming a strong emotional connection with someone.

Defined as a person who experiences romantic attraction only in their dreams.

Defined as a person who experiences sexual attraction only in their dreams.

Emotional Attraction
The desire to get to know someone, often as a result of their personality instead of their physicality. This type of attraction is present in most relationships from platonic friendships to romantic and sexual relationships.

Defined as someone who experiences romantic attraction to someone they are not deeply connected with, and lose the attraction as they get to know the person.

Defined as someone who experiences sexual attraction to someone they are not deeply connected with, and lose the attraction as they get to know the person.

Grayromantic (Grey)
Defined as someone who is on the aromantic spectrum, but aren’t fully described by the term aromantic.

Graysexual (Grey)
Defined as someone who is on the asexual spectrum, but aren’t fully described by the term asexual.

Defined as a person on the romantic spectrum that enjoys romantic acts being performed onto them, but doesn’t want to perform romantic acts on others.

Defined as a person on the asexual spectrum that enjoys sexual acts being performed onto them, but doesn’t want to perform sexual acts on others.

International Asexuality Day
An event that celebrates those on the asexual spectrum internationally, celebrated on April 6.

Defined as the physical experience of sexual desire.

Defined as someone who may experience romantic attraction, but doesn’t want it reciprocated.

Defined as someone who may experience sexual attraction, but doesn’t want it reciprocated.

The desire to have a relationship based on an emotional connection and based on attraction that is not romantic nor platonic.

Defined as someone who experiences complicated romantic attraction or lack thereof in a way that is difficult or impossible to fit into one term.

Defined as someone who experiences complicated sexual attraction or lack thereof in a way that is difficult or impossible to fit into one term.

Physical Attraction
The appeal to someone’s physical features, such as facial features or their build as a whole.

Defined as someone on the aromantic spectrum who enjoys performing romantic acts onto another person, but doesn’t want romantic acts performed onto themselves.

Defined as someone on the asexual spectrum who enjoys performing sexual acts onto another person, but doesn’t want sexual acts performed onto themselves.

Platonic Attraction
Defined as the desire to form a platonic relationship (friendship) with a specific individual, or to form a closer friendship with someone one already knows.

The desire to be in a QPR/QPP with someone.

Stands for Queer Platonic Relationship. Can also be called a Queer Platonic Partnership. Defined as a relationship that is not resemble a platonic friendship, but is not necessarily a romantic or sexual relationship.

Defined as a person who doesn’t relate to or understand experiences or concepts of romantic attraction and orientation.

Quoisexual/ Quasisexual
Defined as a person who doesn’t relate to or understand experiences or concepts of sexual attraction and orientation.

Defined as someone who doesn’t feel romantic attraction to someone unless they know the other person does first.

Defined as someone who doesn’t feel sexual attraction to someone unless they know the other person does first.

When an aspec person that has a strong aversion to romance and will avoid relationships if romance is necessary.

When an aspec person is favorable towards or enjoys the act or concept of romance.

When an aspec person is neutral towards/ may or may not participate in the act or concept of romance.

When an aspec person is negative towards or is repulsed by the act or concept of romance.

Romantic Attraction
Attraction that makes people desire romantic contact or interaction with another person or persons.

Sensual Attraction
The desire to interact with others in a tactile, non-sexual way, such as through hugging or cuddling.

When an aspec person that has a strong aversion to sex and will avoid relationships if sex is necessary.

When an aspec person is favorable towards or enjoys the act or concept of sexual interaction.

When an aspec person is neutral towards/ may or may not participate in the act or concept of sexual interaction.

When an aspec person is negative towards or is repulsed by the act or concept of sexual interaction.

Sexual Attraction
The desire sexual contact or shows sexual interest in another person(s).

The sexual version of a crush; the desire for a sexual relationship with someone.

The desire to be in a platonic relationship with someone.

A partner in a queer platonic relationship.