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Interview with an Asexual Person Pt. 3


Hello all! This week we’re featuring another interview with an asexual person! I’m very excited to have this person featured as they are in a relationship with a really good friend of mine. I appreciate them for taking the time to answer these questions for the blog! I hope you all enjoy getting to know more members of our community!

Interview Questions and Responses:

Get to know the interviewee! Their name is Brad, goes by they/them pronouns, and identifies as a panromantic asexual.

When did you discover you were asexual?

I came to terms with my asexuality in the first half of 2022.

Love that, a great way to start a new year!

Were there any resources that helped you during questioning that made you come to terms with your identity? (online or physically)

Yes, this video is what first taught me about asexuality and really helped me understand myself better: Being Not Straight

Ahh I saw this too! I saw it after I knew I was asexual, but still a great video for those who might be questioning or are feeling doubts. Highly recommend it!

How did you discover you were asexual? Were there any signs you were asexual from a young age/ from past relationships that you may have overlooked?

It wasn’t as much a discovery as it was a realization. From as early as I can remember, any part of my sexuality I would show my peers, whether it was how I acted around friends or how I treated my partners, was a fabrication meant to fit the expectations of my environment.

I can relate to this fully. I also was trying to meet outside expectations, but showed lots of signs when I was young. It was almost a face-palm moment for me when I discovered the term asexuality, like where was this sooner in my life?

Is there any ace representation that resonates with you and you want to shoutout?

Jaiden Animations

Such an amazing account! I am also a fan of JaidenAnimations!

Is there any insight or advice you want to give from you experience to someone who may be questioning if they are asexual or on the ace spectrum?

Having a word to describe a part of yourself is useful to convey it to those that it may concern. But, ultimately, it’s more important to live a life where you are comfortable and confident with who you are. Be yourself and don’t sweat the details too much.

I completely agree. Great message! If labels are what help people to find their place, absolutely use them. But, if labels aren’t your thing, just knowing more about yourself is the most important thing. Also, no rush on labeling yourself! The community is so large and growing, and it’s ok to switch labels around at any time. Focus on finding out who you are and becoming comfortable with yourself!

Is there anything specific you want to ask/know that I can answer or make a blog post about involving asexuality?

It’d be interesting to see what sorts of trends we are seeing with asexuality in youth. I’m sure there’s historically been an underrepresentation of the population since it just was not something widely taught or even talked about.

I love this, I will absolutely do some research on this. I will be sure to credit you when I get the post together and share it! Thank you for sharing!

Is there anything else I didn’t ask or anything related to asexuality that you want to share?

Good questions!

Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to answer them!

If you have any thoughts to add or have any questions to ask, please reach out to me through social media or email.

Thank you for reading and stay true to yourself!

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