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Black Aspec Voices


Hello all! Happy Juneteenth! For this discussion, I wanted to talk about the importance of elevating LGBTQIA+ voices of color, especially those who are aspec. I will also be shouting out some Black Aspec accounts for you to check out!

First, I want to start by informing those who might not know what the Juneteenth Holiday is celebrating. Juneteenth is the celebration of freedom for enslaved African Americans. The name is a combination of “June” and “Nineteenth,” and celebrates the anniversary of the order from Major General Gordon Granger that freed slaves in Texas on June 19, 1865. While Juneteenth has been celebrated nationally in various parts of the US, the holiday originated in Galveston, Texas. On June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day into law, thus making Juneteenth a federal holiday. Though, full credit should not go to President Biden, because without the support from Lula Briggs Galloway (late president of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation), Opal Lee (coined the “grandmother of Juneteenth), U.S. Rep Sheila Jackson (in 2020, she pushed for the federal recognition of the holiday at the height of the BLM protests), and other amazing individuals. Did you know that 2021 wasn’t the first time Juneteenth was brought to the federal level? In 1996, Juneteenth Independence Day was introduced to the House of Representatives, H. J. Res 195, by Barbara-Rose Collins (D-MI) It wasn’t until 1997 when Congress recognized it, though it was not yet a federal holiday. Activists in the 2000s and 2010s, including the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, pushed for this holiday to be federally recognized by Congress. In 2016, it was recognized as a holiday in 45 states. That same year is when Opal Lee led a walk from Fort Worth, Texas to Washington D.C. to have the holiday federally recognized. Without those amazing individuals that continued to celebrate and advocate, there most likely would be no federal recognition of this holiday.

Because this holiday is celebrating Black Americans, I want to emphasize the importance of listening to Black voices. Being marginalized means their voices are already being silenced by the bigots in charge, and it’s important for those of us with platforms (especially as white people), no matter how big or small, to give those voices the platform they deserve. An unfortunate truth is that white people often get the spotlight and get an unfair leverage of their voices being spread via platform. But as an activist and anti-racist, the best thing white people that fit those descriptions can do is use their voice and platform to share these Black voices and advocate for their equality and recognition. The entire existence of Black people in America has been spent fighting for their equality, and many are so tired of seeing the continued hate crimes and discrimination. Black voices are still being ignored and silenced, especially when it comes to activism and discussion for equality. It’s sad that in the supposed “best country in the world,” people live in fear and disgust at people who are different from them. As far as I’m concerned, and I’m sure the rest of us agree, this country is far from being the best. If equality for human beings to live quality lives is up for debate and labeled as an “opinion,” than there is nothing great about it. Quite frankly, it’s disgusting and vile. I, unfortunately, think we still have a long way to go as a country before Black Americans can live safe lives here. But, that’s not stopping me from advocating for equality with my time here on Earth. It is, literally, the least us white people can do, as reparations for what our ancestors did. It’s basic compassion for another human being and beings, something all good people should have.

As an activist, I want to use my platform to elevate Black Aspec voices. Below are some amazing accounts of Black Aspecs you should follow, support, and share their voices.

To learn more about Juneteenth, check out the links below!

If you have any thoughts to add or have any questions to ask, please reach out to me through social media or email.

Thank you for reading and stay true to yourself!

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