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Ace and Aro Rings

Hello all! This week I am discussing Ace and Aro rings! Some of you may know about these rings, or may not. Either way, I hope you find this post interesting!

Ace rings and aro rings are rings that can be worn to symbolize your asexuality or aromanticism. A black ring, placed on the middle finger of your right hand, symbolizes asexuality or being on the asexual spectrum. A white ring, placed on the middle finger of your left hand, symbolizes aromanticism or being on the aromantic spectrum.

The Ace ring was created in 2005 via a thread on AVEN. A group of individuals were feeding ideas off one another, and thus the Ace ring symbol was born. I have a few links below, one to the AVEN wiki and one to the thread.

The Aro ring had a similar path, being formed via an AVEN thread. This occurred in 2015, where again a group of individuals were bouncing ideas off one another, and came up with the Aro ring being white. I will also have links to threads below.

I discovered Ace and Aro rings in 2021 when I was still relatively new to the ace community and knowing my identity. I have quite the collection of rings, mostly black and silver and a band that has the pride flag on it (although it’s too big for my middle finger so I need to get a new one). I highly recommend buying yours off of Etsy or from small creators, however any means of getting them is your business and is valid. And if you are unable to or simply don’t want to wear them, that’s ok too! It’s not for everyone, and it doesn’t make you any less ace or aro for not wearing one. They are a fun accessory and make a good opportunity to rep some aspec identities discreetly (since not a lot of people know about ace or aro rings being a thing).

This discussion is going to be shorter than others, so I apologize for that. To hopefully make up for it, I’ll put some images of some ace and aro rings below as well as some links to where you can get one for yourself!

Credit: AVEN

Credit: dragon-pawz-inactive (Tumblr)

If you have any thoughts to add or have any questions to ask, please reach out to me through social media or email.

Thank you for reading and stay true to yourself!

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